It was time to crawl out of 2020 and start something new. And by new, I mean a brand new sewing pattern. I wanted something easy fitting. A quick satisfying sew. And, it had to still have style. And so the Milly dress was born. I can't get enough of these big sleeves that frame the face while I'm doing my Zoom calls. Fussy and complicated are out. Easy and versatile are in.

Milly looks equally as stunning in faux leather too.

This is the first time I tackled sewing with faux leather. It's such a huge trend, I couldn't resist. I have to say, wearing the dress is a lot more fun than sewing it.
I had puckered seams. My needle skipped stitches. The whole dress was serged together to remedy the skipped stitches. A good press (on the wrong side of the fabric and through a press cloth) did wonders for the seams.
I'm curious how your sewing has changed since last year? Are you rethinking your wardrobe?
Happy Sewing!